
Thursday, June 27, 2013

The decision

I've always said that the wrong job can be poisonous.
You get heart palpitations just thinking about going in, migraines, diarrhea and just outright depression. But at what point do you call it quits? What sign do u wait on? The consensus is to bite the bullet and push through until something better comes along....possibly the most annoying thing i've ever heard.
I'm losing my mind really. Dont mind me over here.
Definitely gonna focus on developing my skills and amp up my services. My sistren says every day that working for people will get u nowhere, maybe it's time I focus on me and stop making myself sick working for people.

1 comment:

  1. Same thing me a think ! Who so ever made that statement really did av some rass bills fe pay ..jus like me self a d only reason me get out my bed in the mornings
